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16 julio 2009 / germansierra

Sobre el arte de viajar


«The man who says, «I’ve got a wife and kids» is far from home; at home he speaks of Japan. But he does not know -how could he?-  that the scenes changing in the train window from London Victoria Station to Tokyo Central are nothing compared to the change in himself»

Paul Theroux, The Great Railway Bazaar

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  1. Anquela / Jul 16 2009 18:16

    «When I was here, I wanted to be there; when I was there, all I could think of was getting back into the jungle.»

    Captain Willard, Apocalypse Now (Film directed by Francis Ford Coppola).

  2. pigiored / Jul 18 2009 15:45

    nice one sierra 😉 I’ll have to read that book…

  3. irina / Ago 4 2009 20:43

    buscaré el libro…mientras tanto te dejo con esto: Cuando se viaja en avión solamente existen dos clases de emociones: el aburrimiento y el terror.
    Orson Welles….(does it ring a bell? ;-))

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